Miranda Magpies AGM 2016 - Miranda Clubhouse
Friday 27th May 2016 at 7:00pm
Please RSVP to secretary@mirandamagpies.com by the 19th May for catering purposes.
Contact any of our current committee for more details on positions and how it all works. They will be more than happy to help (CLICK HERE) to see positions vacant.
Nominations need to be need to be sent to the Secretary by the 20th of May 2016 at secretary@mirandamagpies.com.au
CLICK HERE for a Nomination form. They are also available in the clubhouse or they can be emailed to you.
If a position has been nominated prior to the AGM. No nominations for that position can be taken from the floor on the night.
If there is more than one nomination received it will be voted upon at the AGM. Please start thinking about taking up a position and let’s see if we can all help grow the committee and club to make it an even better place for all to be involved.